
A few things I've put together for you

Download the beginning of my book, Simply Put.

Why do some messages work when others don't? Why do some ideas break through, why do some slogans stick in your brain, and why do some leaders inspire change – when others don't? The answer is simple. Literally.

My book, Simply Put: Why Clear Messages Win – and How to Design Them is for anybody who wants to communicate with clarity. If that sounds like you, then drop your email here to download the first part of the book – on the house. When you like it, there's more where that came from.

Download the PDF

Check your message against the 1,000 most common English words

The 1,000 most commonly used words in English make up about 75% of the language as it’s actually used. In Simply Put, I write about how important it is to make sure we’re speaking the same language as our audience, and metric is a great way to stress-test your message.

Use this free tool to check your message against this list of easily-understood words in just seconds. Drop your text, click a big button, and it will automatically flag words in red which aren’t on the list.

Use the checker

The wish-I-knew-it-then guide to starting a marketing agency.

I spent ten years starting, growing, and eventually selling an award-winning marketing agency. And you can do the same. Seriously. To help you out on this journey, I put down everything I know (and what I wish I knew before we started) in a free little guide.

One of my favorite things to do is help mentor fresh creatives and entrepreneurs striking out on their own (Because frankly, they remind me of where I was when we were first getting started.) In this white paper, I wrote down everything I would tell a new founder if we were sitting down to talk shop over a beer.

Go download it

Brands are words. Learn how to figure yours out in just one week.

A brand is a fake thing that represents a real thing. And that real thing is probably the most important, and most overlooked, part of marketing. See, a brand isn't a logo or a color palette. A brand is a promise. It's a promise that when you make choice X, you get result Y.

The most valuable thing I've ever done for clients is help them define that promise, and now I've outlined that very process in a free, one-week email crash course. This is a version of my popular branding lesson that's a student-favorite every semester and has been given in dozens of events – so I figure it should be shared with everybody else.

Check out the course

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Ben Guttmann
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